Pertemuan dengan Dinkes Lombok barat 16 mei 23

eClinic Fulfills Socialization and Training Agenda

Infokes in the context of developing the quality of service in public health units in Indonesia. Actively fulfilling the good agenda of mentoring, training, evaluation, and socialization. The agenda runs routinely in May 2023. One of Infokes Indonesia’s mainstay applications is the application eClinic become a beneficial application that often fulfills various agendas, both online and offline.

Furthermore, the agenda was carried out for the sake of developing the quality of health information systems in public health units in Indonesia. This is given equally to Puskesmas, Posyandu, Clinics, and other public health units.

On Tuesday (16/05/2023) yesterday, Infokes representatives visited several regions to fulfill the socialization agenda and application training for using eClinic. in the city of Mataram, two Infokes representatives filled out an outreach regarding the eClinic application for clinics interested in using eClinic. Furthermore, a meeting was held with the West Lombok Health Office in the agenda for discussing the use of the eClinic application.

Sosialisasi eClinic di Kota Mataram 16 mei 23
Sosialisasi eClinic di Kota Mataram 16 mei 23
Pertemuan dengan Dinkes Lombok barat 16 mei 23
Pertemuan dengan Dinkes Lombok Barat 16 mei 23

The discussion referred to the West Lombok Health Office’s agreement to immediately use the eClinic application. The discussion was attended by the Head of the Health Office and his staff directly.

The eClinic application is a web and mobile-based Clinical Management Information System. Used for monitoring and assisting service activities and clinical management as a Public Health Unit. Starting from registration, poly services, prescribing, and payment transactions. eClinic has been integrated with BPJS Kesehatan and SATUSEHAT.

Elsewhere, training and outreach were also conducted. At the Az-Zahra Clinic in Tangerang, eClinic training was held by two representatives, and one person for the party. Meanwhile, at the Primary Clinic and Mahessa Garut Main Clinic, socialization was held.

Pelatihan eclinic dengan klinik az-zahra tangerang 16 MEI 23
Pelatihan eclinic dengan klinik az-zahra tangerang 16 MEI 23

“Thank God, all clinical needs have been covered at the clinic. And the main clinic will also assist in completing specialist modules such as surgery and ophthalmology,” said Muhammad Azhar, infokes representative on duty.

Sosialisasi eclinic di klinik Pratama dan utama Mahesa Garut 16 mei 23

Azhar was impressed that this activity paved the way for clinics in Indonesia to immediately transition to digital-based health services. According to him, there are many conveniences that will be obtained when the public health unit is aware of this. In fact, two clinics want to implement eCinic as soon as possible in their clinics.



eClinic is an offering from Infokes, present as a medium that can help Public Health Units in facilitating health services. After going through several changes, now finally eClinic has arrived at a new generation (New Generation) with lots of the latest features and updates that make it easier user usage.



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