ePuskesmas di Sumatera Barat: Pelatihan ePuskesmas

ePuskesmas Agenda, Infokes Visits Many Regions

Towards the middle to the end of May 2023, Infokes on the ePuskesmas agenda is still intense in improving the quality of health services in the community.

Health Information SystemePuskesmas fromInfokes which is now renewable to be the Next Generationsystem re-intensified to the health centers in Indonesia. According to this, Infokes is always consistent and continues to be committed to providing excellent service to various parties.

As on 16 to 24 May 2023 yesterday, to fulfill the agenda related to the Infokes application which is being implemented by the public health unit, namely ePuskesmas. Two Business Development teams departed for different regions, namely West Java, Bali and West Sumatra, with different agendas.

ePuskesmas in West Java

In West Java in particular, Majalengka Regency is an area that is included in the Infokes agenda in improving the quality of health services in public health units. This opportunity was used by the Infokes team to meet with the Health Office and Majalengka Regent for discussion. The related discussion talks about the use of the ePuskesmas application which has begun to be implemented in Majalengka health facilities. In this discussion, there were several points that emphasized that the City of Majalengka would maximize the use of the ePuskesmas in June.

ePuskesmas di Jawa Barat: Pertemuan dengan Bupati Majalengka dan Bupati Kuningan
ePuskesmas di Jawa Barat: Pertemuan dengan Bupati Majalengka dan Bupati Kuningan

The journey in West Java did not stop there. After deviating in Majalengka, the Infokes team then returned to Kuningan to meet the Regent of Kuningan with the same agenda. Even though the Head of the Health Service was unable to attend the agenda, the discussion ended in a good agreement. The Regent also conveyed this to hasten socialization with all puskesmas so that the quality of service at the health facilities could improve. The journey continues towards West Bandung Regency as the closing.

ePuskesmas in West Sumatra

Furthermore, the Agenda in Padang Pasaman Regency included ePuskesmas Socialization, the Agenda was attended by the Head of Service, DISKOMINFO, BPJS and Puskesmas Representatives

ePuskesmas di Sumatera Barat: Pelatihan ePuskesmas
ePuskesmas di Sumatera Barat: Pelatihan ePuskesmas

Furthermore, the Infokes team visited Pariaman Regency, where in its implementation, as many as 25 Community Health Centers enthusiastically took part in the series of events regarding the ePuskesmas application. The agenda was based on a good agreement, namely the Padang Pariaman District Health Office agreed to use the ePuskesmas application which would later be applied and implemented in its 25 Puskesmas. In the next place, Solok Regency, which has received training on ePuskesmas, agreed to immediately maximize the use of the ePuskesmas application.

ePuskesmas in Bali

In addition, the agenda that was held in Karangasem Regency, Bali included ePuskesmas Training. This activity was carried out accompanied by the District Health Office. Karangasem along with all existing Puskesmas representatives. The activity went smoothly, the Puskesmas and the Health Office were enthusiastic about the implementation of the ePuskesmas application for their health facilities.

ePuskesmas di BALI: Pelatihan ePuskesmas di Kab Karangasem
ePuskesmas di BALI: Pelatihan ePuskesmas di Kab Karangasem

Even the Health Office and the Puskesmas are planning to propose Mentoring activities for all Puskesmas so that the implementation can run more optimally. The following day, the Infokes team will also visit the Bangli District Health Office to conduct an ePuskesmas outreach.

The response from the Regents was very good. Infokes and its ePuskesmas application are welcomed and well received. These conditions certainly make us as service providers even more enthusiastic about providing awareness about digital services to health facilities and the Indonesian people,” said Apris, the Infokes Officer on duty.



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