ePuskesmas Socialization Returns to the Central Java Region

ePuskesmas Socialization Returns to the Central Java Region


Visit to Central Java Again continues. After previously carrying out a land tour in October to the Pekalongan area, Semarang, to DIY to the Sleman area to be precise.

So on Monday 21 November 2022 VP Business Development Ganjar Santosa Together with one of his team members traveled to the Klaten area.

The purpose of going to the Klaten area is none other than to socialize and present Infokes‘ superior product, namely ePuskesmas.

This socialization was held to prepare for the use of the Health information system which has become an obligation for each region under the Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 24 year 2022.

Where the Minister of Health requires that every region in Indonesia has electronic medical record data that is integrated with the Ministry of Health with verified data protection.

Of course, this is already owned by ePuskesmas plus it has been integrated with various other ministry applications such as BPJS Pcare and SATUSEHAT.

The presentation on ePuskesmas was attended by the secretary of the health office, the head of the health sector, then representatives from IFK, representatives from the regional health laboratory, BPKAD and representatives from the Klaten Regency Communication and Informatics Office.

After the implementation of socialization regarding ePuskesmas services. The guests of this agenda left a positive impression, because they felt capable of helping with the service and administration of health facilities.

And overall those present were very interested in using this Epuskesmas application. So that in the end the information about ePuskesmas will be forwarded to the puskesmas which is expected to be implemented immediately in 2023.

Rafali M, Aru.


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