Infokes Sosialisasikan eClinic di FKTP Satkes Brimob Depok

Infokes Socializes eClinic at FKTP BRIMOB Satkes Depok City

In order to fulfill the product development agendaInfokes, The Infokes Indonesia Business Development Team sent representatives to Depok City, to be precise to the BRIMOB Health Unit First Level Health Facility in Depok City on Tuesday (4/02/2023). Meeting with the FKTP Satkes Brimob, Infokes representative, Arif also provided socialization regarding eClinic.

The outreach was held for one day. The FKTP Satkes Brimob Kota Depok welcomed the arrival of the Infokes team and what they would bring.

Basically, eClinic is a web and mobile-based Clinical Management Information System that is used to monitor and assist with service activities and clinical management as a Public Health Unit. Starting from registration, poly services, prescribing, and payment transactions.

Infokes Sosialisasikan eClinic di FKTP Satkes Brimob Depok

Furthermore, during the mentoring the Infokes team gave a basic explanation of eClinic, and continued with practice in the field. The basic explanation given includes how and how the eClinic works and what the benefits are for the community.

In several regions in Indonesia, many clinics and hospitals have applied eClinic for health service management. Web and mobile-based, eClinic is used to assist management activities in public health units. Starting from registration, poly services, prescribing, and payment transactions.

Only this time, the Depok City Brimob FKTP Satkes are also interested in using the eClinic application.

eClinic is a presentation from Infokes, present as a medium to assist the Public Health Unit in facilitating health services, this happens because eClinic has features that are the needs of these two parties.


In addition, eClinic complies with the standards of the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Permenkes No.24/2022 concerning Electronic Medical Records).


“Hopefully, the Depok City Brimob Satkes FKTP is interested in eClinic and it can be implemented immediately so that health services within the Brimob Satkes can be improved,” said Arid, Infokes Business Development Team.


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