About Infokes Indonesia

PT. Infokes Indonesia (Infokes) is an Indonesian information technology company that specializes in developing online and integrated health information technology products and solutions. Infokes has been trusted for over a decade to help improve the quality of health services in Indonesia by implementing more systems in 2500 (Puskesmas, Clinic,Pustu, Posyandu, City/District Public Health Office) points spread across Indonesia in realtime.


To achieve excellent service, improve the quality of public health services by utilizing information and communication technology (ICT) facilities.


Monitoring data and health services to make decisions about current public health conditions for future health in one based


To run a good and professional organization, use information and communication technology facilities based on the paperless office.

Business Partner
Integration PCare
Standard & Regulation
Strategic Businss Partner
Data & Technology Partner

We have a solution for you.

“All of our products are based on the Cloud Computing platform, which allows users to access applications on a variety of devices with internet access.”

Award & achievements

Winner, 2010 Indonesia ICT Award – eGovernment by Communication and Information Of Indonesia RI

Nomination, 2010 Asia Pasific ICT Award – eGovernment by APICTA Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Malaysia Winner, 2010 Indigo Fellowship Award – Small Medium Enterprise by PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia

Winner, 2012 Telkom CSR Award – eHealth by PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia

Winner Platinum, 2014 Indonesia CSR Award – by Menteri Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan RI

Photo Galery

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